Monday 21 December 2015

I Got Clear Braces....

Hey dolls,

If you've been following me on snapchat this week you'll know I got my Invisalign with I'm still getting used to them and I'm so excited for my teeth to be straight.  I've wanted to get braces for a couple of years now and after seeing the amazing transformation Christopher has had with his teeth I knew they were the ones I wanted to go for.

My issue with my teeth is mostly that my bottom teeth have moved and started to turn in as a result of my wisdom teeth coming up and putting pressure on my bottom teeth. I have been going to Chatham Street Dentist for the last couple of months and when I brought up my concerns with my teeth they highly recommend I go for clear braces. As I work a lot on camera I was always so self conscious of my bottom teeth. After I had my consultation with Dr Kevin Murphy in Chatham Street Dental he recommended I go for Invisalign.

I had my impressions taken and 6 weeks on I'm one week into my journey to straight teeth. The process has been so quick and pain free, everyone has said they didn't even realise I was wearing braces. That is the beauty of clear braces, they are practically invisible :) I've to wear them for 22 hours a day and I take them out to eat and to clean my teeth.

I feel like I have adapted to them so well because before starting with them I whitened my teeth and had to wear the  whitening kit over night. I got used to sleeping with them in and now it feels so normal to fall asleep with my braces in.

The first couple of days I had some slight discomfort and had some mouth ulcers flare up but my dentist & Chris assured me that it was normal and now my mouth feels normal now. My voice is also a little different but hopefully I will get used to them and it will go back to normal soon. I know it is still early days but I am so excited to see my teeth transform.

Here are some pictures of how my teeth are now and I will do an update in a couple of months.

This is one of me wearing them, I love that you can't even tell.

Sorry for the up close look in my mouth haha. 
If you have any questions in the mean time just leave a comment below & I will get back to you.

Love Grace xox

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