Monday 28 December 2015

What 2015 Has Taught Me.....

Hey dolls,

As 2015 comes to an end I wanted to share a little inspirational post. This year I feel like I've learned so much about myself and I've grown so much.

At the start of the year I set myself some goals, I wanted to lose weight, buy my dream car, move in with Chris, land my dream job, grow my following, build my brand. Sitting here writing this post I'm still so shocked at how much I've achieved. Sometimes it feels like a dream but I know myself how hard I've worked and how it's all finally paying off.

I just wanted to share some of the highlights of 2015 and let you all know that 2016 is going to be even bigger!!!!
My first magazine feature in the Sunday World Mag alongside the gorgeous Joanne Larby sharing our weight loss story.
Bought my dream car :)
My first TV appearance with Xpose
Really opening up about my struggle with my mental health, sharing my experience with anxiety & depression. 
My first ever radio interview with DJ Ruth Scott from 2FM for mental health awareness week on Walk In My Shoes Radio. Listen to it here 
My second radio interview! This was one of those 'pinch me moments' getting a call from the lovely producer of the Nicky Byrne and Jenny Greene show inviting me to come into the studio to have a chat with them about my blog. Listen to my interview here
We took that next step and moved in together. Best decision ever!!!!
Another one of those pinch me moments, being asked to speak on a panel in GMIT about my journey with my mental health. Getting to speak with Bressie was amazing. Watch the seminar here
I was nominated alongside Irelands biggest bloggers for the best blog in the Stellar magazine shine awards. I didn't win but was honoured to be nominated with some of the best. Well done to Pippa :)
My second Sunday World feature with these two dolls Love Lauren & Rosie Connolly this was such a fun shoot.

I've met some amazing, inspirational people this year that have helped me in more ways than they know. I've made some amazing, life long friends and I'm so thankful to everyone that has made such an amazing impact on my life. Here are just some of those wonderful people.

I am sooooo excited for 2016 and what amazing adventures and opportunities it is going to bring. I hope you found this post helpful, I love looking back on the year and being grateful for everything that has happen.

I hope 2015 was as good to you as it was to me 

Love Grace xox

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