Friday 26 October 2018

Two Years On And What I Have Learnt

Hey Dolls,

Sienna is now two years old and writing that down seems so weird, I can remember the day I gave birth, the day we brought her home and so much I honestly don't know where the last two years have gone. I feel like they go so fast because we are constantly counting the months and wishing for the next milestone to be hit. Over the last two years I've learnt so much and one of the biggest things is to live in the moment and enjoy every second with her.

Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our own lives that it passes by so quickly. I've started to just take a moment to watch her and cherish the little things she does, how she plays and how she looks at me. Just last week as I was changing her nappy she looked up at me and said "Mammy I missed you" it instantly melted my heart and made me realise how fast she's growing and how much she takes in.

I wanted to share this as it's been a while since I wrote a personal post. I just wanted to share a few things I've learnt.

Patience, this is definitely another thing I've learnt to have more of. It's so important with a toddler to be patient, she is growing and learning and sometimes things just take longer and things get done slower. I take time to be with her instead of constantly rushing and doing too many things in the one day. I've also learnt to laugh when things get tough, she can be cranky, messy and moany but toddlers don't understand how to control their feelings. Just the other day she peed on the floor, I laughed it off instead of getting frustrated, it was quite funny actually, she was like a dog almost peeing on the wall.

I also learnt to listen and it's so important because she is at the stage where she is not listening at all. She does her own thing and is so independent. I have to listen and try to understand what she is trying to say and what she wants. Sometimes it might take a few minutes but eventually I understand what she is saying in her adorable mumbled baby voice.

The biggest thing I've learnt is to be present and to live in the moment. They grow so fast and before we know it she'll be off to school (we enrolled her a few weeks back!!! CRAZY). Recently I took some time off social media and it was so nice because I had no distractions, I took my camera out and caught her playing and enjoying the little things. I've learnt to put the phone down and give her all my attention. It's so nice to switch off from real life and become emerged in her world.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I've no idea what spurred it on but I just wanted to share a more personal post. It might remind some of you how quickly times goes and to switch off from time to time and get lost in their minds.

Love Grace xox

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